arabic magic

Arabic Magic Arcana: Ithn,Fast track to your spiritual Growth!

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In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful and peace and blessings to our master Muhammad son of Abdullah and his noble household and pure companions.
Our lesson for today is spiritual permission (Ihtn) in Arabic magic. It’s one of the hidden secrets that unfortunately is overly used by scammers who take advantage of peoples ignorance.

What is spiritual permission in Arabic magic?

It is a pinch of the spirit of the shaykh that he gives to the mureed.
A part of the spiritual abilities of the shaykh that is passed on to the student so that they have the power and ability to deal with the spirits.

How does the shaykh give this permission to the student?

First he calls down the khodam and asks them to activate the spirit of the seeker so that he can work with them. The khodam will then choose for the seeker the verses or conjurations that are suitable for them, they also give the number of recitations and incense as well as the type of service.

This can be spiritual exercise or seclusion or severe exercise.

What happens after the conjuration has been determined?

The shaykh takes the covenants with the student.

Don’t steal, don’t fornicate and don’t lie, don’t eat from haram, don’t hurt the innocent, and don’t do any haram actions in any way shape or form. As well as being diligent with the wird they were given as well as holding on to the prayers at their appointed time.

Be diligent with istighfar, seeking Allah’s forgiveness and sending peace and blessings to the noble Prophet and finally, keeping the secrets of your covenants with the khodam, not disclosing them to anyone.

If the student accepts the conditions. The shaykh then summons the seven terrestrial kings and sayed Shamhuresh in a self mandal operation (only those steeped and rooted in the knowledge of the art can preform this) after this the shaykh requests the arrival of the khodam of the students’ conjuration.

Then the shaykh requests a sign of the permission from the spirits by shaking the students hand.
The student then begins with the wird.

This ithn cannot be given except the shaykh that uses a dominating conjuration. One that’s obeyed by the spirits due to it’s power.
This above written is not known except by those who have been through the khilwah and are steeped in knowledge.

You will not find it in any book or manuscript.

I ask you to share this on social media, so that the knowledge is spread and benefits more people.

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One response to “Arabic Magic Arcana: Ithn,Fast track to your spiritual Growth!”

  1. Galley Watson Avatar
    Galley Watson

    Salam Sheikh,
    What kind of services can one expect to perform, like what are some examples?
    What kind of services can you request after you have performed the service?
    I know you cannot tell me the details of your covenant, but varying circumstance to circumstance, what are some covenants people can expect to make with Khodam, and jinn?
    (if you can) What are some terms that someone may set as their requirements of the covenant when making a deal with Khodam or jinn?
    How does one develop the ability to see jinn and khodam in an awake state?
    When performing exorcisms, does this Sufi tariqa utilize more powerful jinn to excersize mischevious jinn? Or do they rely on theurgy?
    Many Thanks Sheikh.